Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Thanks to HINDRAF's effort.

Thaipusam holiday for KL and Putrajaya
many thanks to our heroes/heroines, now u have an extra holiday!

still remember them?! or u think it's MIC (Malaysian Idiot Congress) punya effort where the moron leader sits in the super air-conditioned office and talk talk talk only?

so, this solves the issues facing by our Indian-Malaysian brethren?
Does the community fight to have an extra holiday?
how about poverty, education, employment, etc?

1 comment:

BY said...

If they don't act, there is no action will be taken.

Solute to them as they not only talk but they act.

Hope this will be a wake up call for the government for constructing a fair government institution in the future.

Government please be fair to all races. Please no more indecisive decision, please no discrimination.

Please let the perfect competition factors come in place without any government intervention so our national economy will grow.