Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Malaysia Boleh! KL Lagi Boleh!

It rained in KL around 3pm.
The photos were taken around 4pm.
Our Stormwater Management and Road Tunnel (SMART) which worths RM1.933 billion has been used for nearly one year...
Tax payers like u and me... what's more could we say?
The so called tunnel engineers and consultants (both from m'sia and germany) stand out and explain now! Do u worth high-paid salary?


Anonymous said...

fucking useless local and german 'consultants' and 'engineers'...

BY said...
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BY said...

What you espect, as long as BN and our government do not take this thing serious we it will never solve. This is serious damage to our country image to foreigner.

Do this issues have a positive impact towards our country economy? How will foreign investor think of our country civil engeering industry... Craps craps and more craps.

What is our DBKL, BN, PM, Government, PUAS, INDAH WATER are doing.... let me answer you... doing nothing.

Malaysia boleh... Minum teh and tea time pasti boleh.

We need drastic changes immediatedly !!!!